I won't pretend to be the first person to ask these questions. I won't act like I'm the only person who is overwhelmed with reading other writers that I question whether or not I should add to the fray.
Each time I sat down...or more likely - thought about sitting down at my computer to write, I got distracted, had a voice tell me it's not worth it, or simply decided I didn't want to write. And it's because of those reasons that I'm finally sitting down to write.
I'm here to write about being overwhelmed. Hopefully I'm not contributing to your feelings of being overwhelmed by stating my own. I'm writing to let readers know, "YOU ARE NOT ALONE!"
Politics, COVID-19, daily life, new normals, major changes of plans, my favorite TV show halting production...It all contributes to feeling overwhelmed. Overwhelmed is not a state of mind where I want to stay...but for now...It's ok!
There's a (crass) saying about life that rings true - "$#!+ happens." But the opposite is also true - Grace happens. Beautiful moments happen. Even in the most chaotic times, there are amazing moments of grace and beauty that inspire us to keep going.
So, for now, yes...I'm overwhelmed (along with most people on earth). I don't want to sit through another Zoom meeting (and I have several on my schedule). I want to go sit at a restaurant and eat. I want to go to a baseball game and cheer. I want to walk through a store with no intention of buying anything just to look. But that is all impossible right now.
Instead, I dwell in finding beauty during chaotic times. I turn off the news when the bickering gets on my nerves. I overindulge in watching streaming tv. I read books - some with deep meaning, and others as a distraction. I spend time with my family. I text my friends around the world. And other days - I just dwell in the life of being overwhelmed. And it is ok! It's ok to be overwhelmed! It's ok to know that the world doesn't revolve around me!
Are you overwhelmed? Sometimes, I wish I had some amazing formula for how to get out of that feeling...but part of me is also grateful that I don't. We are not robots. We are humans...created to live. Living means feeling. I don't want to be an unfeeling robot. I want to feel...even if at times that means I will be overwhelmed.