These are the notes I used in a sermon on April 10, 2011 Based on Ezekiel 37: 1-10
“Can these Bones Live Again?”
This scripture was first a prophecy to Ezekiel about the restoration of Israel after Babylonian Exile. But, when we see "impossible situations" was ask "can these bones live again?
Here are some examples form history:
1933 – Nazis came to power, Hitler Chancelor
1934 – Hitler becomes Fuhrer
1935 – Jews in Germany stripped of Citizenship
1938- Kristelnacht – “spontaneous” uprising against Jews
30,000 Jews Arrested
1938 – Jews forced to wear stars of David
1940 – Jews put into ghettos and first mass killing of Jews (Concentration Camps led to at least 6 million Jews who were killed over the next few years).
People asked, Can these Bones Live Again?
1947 – Arms Race began between USA/USSR
1948 – Berlin Blockade by USSR denying Western aid to Berlin
1960 – US U2 Spy plane shot down over USSR
1961 – Beginning of Berlin Wall
1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis
1987 – President Reagan gave a speech saying "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
Behind the Iron Curtain, people wondered can these Bones Live Again?
1651 – Dutch arrive in South Africa bringing and taking slaves
This led to Segregation (Apartheid) that continued through 1990’s
There were many killings, arrests, and persecutions of the black majority by the white minority.
Nelson Mandela, a freedom fighter, was jailed for 27 years.
People in South African and the world wondered can these Bones Live again?
Here in the United States:
1861 – Southern US states secede. Slavery and States' Rights were the reason.
1863 – Lincoln gives Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves
1865 – Civil War Ends
1954 – Brown vs. Board of Ed. Outlaws school segregation
1955 – Rosa Parks arrested for not giving up her seat on the bus to a white man.
1957 – Gov. Fabus uses Nat’l Guard to block 9 Black students from entering Little Rock High School – President Eisenhower uses Federal Troops to allow them in.
1960 – Greensboro (NC) 4 Lunch Counter Sit-in demanding to be served in a "White's Only" area.
1963 – MLK “I Have a Dream” Speech. Rather than speaking of revenge, he spoke of coexistence and peace.
1968 – MLK assassinated
Many in American wondered: Can these Bones Live Again?
April 6, 1994 – A few days after Easter, the Rwandan Genocide Begins (lasted 100 days)
Approximately 1 million killed – followed by 6 million more as a result of the war that followed. Some were killed directly by fighting and others were killed as a result of the harsh conditions enabling them to access adequate food, water, and medical care.
People wondered: Can these Bones Live Again?
9/11/01 – Terrorists fly planes into WTC/Pentagon and a 4th had the terrorists overpowered and the plane crashed into a field in PA – We wondered if these bones can live again.
What seemed like Impossible Conditions were redeemed (or in the process of being redeemed) through the power of God by people answering God's Call:
*Hitler was defeated, and Germany is a mainstream nation (of course, life isn't perfect, but it's better).
*1989- Fall of Berlin Wall ended the Cold War
*1991- Apartheid ended, 1994 Nelson Mandela Elected President
*Now, Blacks and Whites have = rights in USA-There are still problems, but hope is alive.
*Genocide in Rwanda ended, violence/corruption remain, but there is hope
*Still in 2 wars over 9/11 – but there is hope! We can have peace if we just give up our need to always be right.
Hand of God is only explanation of these events.
Watching about 15 minutes of News I saw the following reports: Robberies, fire, murder, economy, Libya, Govt. shut down, Situation in Japan (earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear reactor), even bad weather
We wonder about our world: Can these Bones Live again?
We Pass people everyday (maybe those people are some of us)
*They are Caring for sick relative, suffer addiction, job loss, have relationship problems, suffer poverty causing them to choose between medicine and food, hunger, mental illness, stress, chronic pain, chronic illness, and other issues.
They wonder: Can these bones live again?
In Ezekiel God caused the Bones to Live, but Ezekiel had to prophesy it
4 Questions to ask yourself
1. Where is God calling you to give healing or comfort? (phone calls, visiting, talking, physical care, etc.).
2. Where is God calling you to prophesy? (Prophecy is not just telling the future. It is speaking the word and truth of God).
Where is God calling you to make the impossible possible? (Is there a dream you have to make the world a better place? Is that God's calling to you?)
Where is God calling you to make dead bones live again?
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