When did the people of the world stop caring? Why are there so many dying in preventable cases, and those in power do nothing to stop it? How can we acknowledge one government's demonic aims one day and put them on the world's strongest United Nations Committee the next?
I want answers to those questions!
I'm tired of these answers: It doesn't affect me. The reports are lies. There's nothing I can do about it. We can't fight the system. That's just the way the world works. It's every person for themselves. It's a dog eat dog world.
I'm tired of being ignored. I'm tired of the injustice. I'm tired of my sisters and brothers suffering. I'm tired of needless death. I'm tired of rape as a weapon. I'm tired of killing innocent people. I'm tired of needless wars. I'm tired of brutal dictators and their arrogance being rewarded because they serve corporate interests. I'm tired that the world has lost - or maybe never found - its moral compass. I'm just tired. I'm sick.
I want peace. I want people to look each other in the eye and see an Image of God. I want people to care about their neighbor next door and their neighbor across the world. I want people to say "enough is enough." I want people to demand justice. I want people to see the suffering in the world. I want people to demand that the suffering be stopped by the people who can easily make it stop.
Just a few days ago, Paul Kagame's Government of Rwanda, was implicated in supporting Militia of Thugs called M23 that invades the Democratic Republic of the Congo, kills - rapes - mutilates innocent people who are just struggling to survive. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-19973366
Just yesterday Kagame's Government was elected to a position on the United Nation's Security Council - The strongest committee of the United Nations. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-19998195
Paul Kagame is responsible for the deaths of over 10 million people - that is more than Hitler killed. Paul Kagame is evil. Paul Kagame is arrogant. Paul Kagame must be stopped.
(See My Previous Blog Article - "Africa: Your Brother's and Sister's Blood Cries Out From the Ground" for a more detailed discussion on Kagame).
I will reiterate - I do now wish to see a violent overthrow of Kagame. I do not wish to see Kagame murdered or mutilated, though he has no problem doing that to others. I wish to see justice. Nothing that could happen to him can bring back the lives of 10 Million - not even his death. I don't wish to see him die. I do wish to see the world hold him accountable. I wish to see him repent of his own accord. I wish to see him apologize of his own doing. I wish to see him work to rebuild the destruction he caused.
I am not hopeful. I pray to God that there is hope.
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