Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What is He Writing About? - A "Handbook"

Whether you are confused by issues in the DRC or not, this is for you - If you are not confused, go to the end of this post.  If you are, continue reading.

Many of my American readers are confused.  The Democratic Republic of the Congo admittedly is not part of most people's dinner conversations.  Paul Kagame is not an American Celebrity or a household name.  M23 is not the newest musical group.

If you are confused, this is for you.

Here is a "Glossary" of names and terms to help you understand my recent posts.

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) - A large nation in the center of Africa - though it is wealthy with minerals, the people are some of the poorest in the world due to corruption, constant foreign invasion and manipulation, and because 2 major wars (the 1st and 2nd Congo Wars) were fought killing at least 6 Million people.  DRC has recently been invaded by the M23 Militia.

Genocide - Systematic killing of a race or ethnic group.  In Rwanda in 1994 800,000-1Million were killed in 100 days.

Goma - A major city in East DRC recently conquered by M23 as UN Peacekeepers stood by and

Joseph Kabila - President of DRC - Considered to be weak by many inside and outside of the DRC.

Paul Kagame - The current President of Rwanda

M23 - A Rebel Militia - The United Nations has issued reports implicating the Rwandan Government of controlling the M23 Militia.  Rwanda denies this, but evidence is not in their favor.  M23 stands for "March 23 Movement"

Rwanda - A small but powerful nation in west/central Africa - In 1994, Rwanda suffered a Genocide   for approximately 100 days.

UN - The United Nations - The world's body set up to mediate international disputes, prevent disease, help refugees, and other issues.

UN Peacekeepers - Armed Forces from various nations under the Leadership of the United Nations sent into conflict zones to protect civilians from harm.

Oversimplified Explanation of What Happened in Recent Weeks:
* For several months, Rwanda has been accused of supporting M23 through giving weapons and direct military orders.

* The "Group of Experts" (a group within the United Nations) issued a 200+ Page report (Link Here - Please note that this link may take a long time to load) directly implicating Rwanda of supporting M23.

* After several days of Fighting the Army of the DRC and the UN Peacekeeping Force, the Army of the DRC (a very undisciplined army) left the front, and UN Peacekeepers stood aside while M23 took over the DRC city of Goma.

* DRC President Joseph Kabila met with Ugandan President Museveni and Rwandan President Kagame to come up with a solution.  A statement was issued from the meeting "condemning" M23.

* The UN Security Council met and "condemned" M23.  The Congolese Ambassador spoke to implicate Rwanda, but no action was taken.  The Rwandan Ambassador spoke denying all charges.

* Despite all evidence and reports, US Ambassador Susan Rice removed all language referring to Rwanda from the "condemnation."  The US has long been a supporter of Rwanda - the question is Why? Is it for cheaper access to the minerals in the DRC?  Only recently did the US begin to withdraw aid to Rwanda after reports showed the connection between Rwanda and M23.

* At the latest negotiation, M23 says they will move out of Goma in an act of peace.  They are demanding to have their grievances heard.  They are also threatening to overtake the entire DRC.  There are many voices speaking for M23, and it is difficult to get 1 message.

* While all this is going on, innocent people are dying, starving, being raped, murdered, looted, beaten up, and threatened.  Still, the world watches.  Still, the UN does NOTHING!

Pictures of M23 Invasion - Please look at this Link!

Please Look at this Link.  Take time to look at each picture.  These are pictures of the invasion of Goma by M23.  Notice the humanity of the civilians.  These people are not objects.  They could be you.  They could be me.  Don't these people deserve the RIGHT to live their lives in peace? Don't they deserve the RIGHT to earn a living, to go to school, to enjoy life, to worship God, to celebrate holidays, to live without constant fear of being brutally murdered/raped/robbed, to live without constant fear of being attacked by a foreign entity?  LOOK AT EACH PICTURE.  See the HUMANITY.  See the IMAGES OF GOD in each person.

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