Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Kagame-You Have Already Lost

President Kagame,

You have already lost. Your RPF regime is illegitimate. You maintain power by fear, deception, and murder. You are the most brutal dictator in the current world. Millions have lost lives by your hands and by your orders. History will judge you as the loser.

Yes, you retain power, but your power is not in the respect of any but your brainwashed loyalists. Are they your fan-base out of fear or are they following you because you are a true visionary?  You and I both know the answer. You deal in fear, death and deception!

History will go on, but you are human – Yes, President Kagame, you ARE a human – your reign will not last forever. You have lost. You will be remembered as Adolph Hitler, Idi Amin, The Apartheid Regime of South Africa, Pol Pot…need I name more?

Because of your “power,” you can start wars, you can murder, you can do almost anything you want. All of that confirms that you have already lost! You do not have the respect of the world, you are a pawn of certain Western powerbrokers of this world. As you said in regards to the death of President Habiyarimana – “I don’t give a damn.” Do you really think your Western powerhouses “give a damn” about you?

How will you be remembered? Saddam Hussein is known as the “Butcher of Bagdhad.” Idi Amin is “The Last King of Scotland.” Adolph Hitler is known as “evil incarnate.” Do you really want this legacy? Apparently you do – you have already lost!

You think you win by murdering opposition such ask Mr. Karegeya. Yes, he was himself an enemy of Rwanda. But if all nations murdered there enemies…well, you know where this is going, and obviously there is no reasoning with you!

You jail your opponents. Victoire Ingabire is serving 15 years in prison because you can’t handle the truth of the Genocide in which you took part. Yes, Mr. Kagame, even you killed innocent civilians! You bragged about it in killing Hutu refugees in a 2010 speech http://wp.me/p1q4zD-byZ .  You jailed her for speaking the truth! You jailed her because she spoke the truth that you’ve already lost!

Your regime has summoned people to public meetings and then summarily executed them. You’ve done this because you’ve been losing for a long time! You’ve murdered political opponents who were no threat to you in your rigged presidential elections. Why? Because you’ve already lost.

Of course your RPF and your RPF Loyalists will look at this and laugh. I expect nothing less. I do, however expect more out of the international community.

Pastor Rick Warren:  I want to know how you can continue to support a leader who has, without question, engaged in these murderous, Ungodly activities! How can you bless his illegitimate rule? You can support the Rwandan people without supporting this murderous regime! Anything less is sheer apostasy. It’s time you make a clear stand!

Politicians of the World: It is time that you withdraw all support of this murderer. There is no secret to his tactics. There is no question as to what he does. Forsake the money for the people you promised to protect and serve.

People of the world: Pressure your governments to stop supporting President Kagame of Rwanda. It is time that a peaceful change is needed. It is time that he faces justice for his crimes.

Mr. Kagame: You can continue to kill people and jail them, but you will never silence the truth – You have already lost!

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