Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Stop Already!

I had great intentions of writing a semi-specific blog post about some situation in the past couple months, adding some theology, describing how we as humans just need to love more, and how...well...blah blah blah.

It seems there's been an onslaught of stupid avoidable crap lately! I'd use stronger words, but I'm trying to control myself.

Racist shootings, unnecessary violence, political drama, plane crashes, taunting of black college students (on multiple occasions), using the Bible to condone outright oppression, killing of innocent civilians, murders, rapes...Ugh...I know I'm forgetting a lot here.

I honestly can't keep track of it all. It's weighing me down. I try to process one injustice or crime and another happens. Seriously people, what the hell?

Just stop it! I don't need to go into why any of this is wrong. If you don't know by now, you choose not to know. OK, there may be a small portion of the population out there that is genuinely ignorant (meaning "not knowing"), and they need to be educated. The rest of us - we should know how to act.

Tomorrow is Maundy Thursday - the day Jesus gave the commandment to, "Love one another as I have loved you."  It's a Commandment, people, not a suggestion.  Is it difficult? Yes! Does it say anything about how the other person has to act? No! We still have to find a way to love them - at least how to treat them decently.

Do we Christians forget that this Commandment is for ALL TIMES? Not just for Maundy Thursday?

I'm so embarrassed that at least some of the problems are created by my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ! Grow up! Quit judging - start loving. Plain and simple! No ifs, ands, or buts.

I guess I don't have anything dynamic to say - no profound words. But for heaven's sake, people. Let's get our acts together! Just stop the madness!

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