Scripture - Matthew 6:19-34
Hope is a word that is so often thrown around, but very few people know its true implications. What does it mean? It's such a small word, but it has such a big meaning?
- It could mean that I HOPE to get something. I WANT something. - "I hope to get a motorcycle." But, in our Scripture, that's not how "hope" is used.
- In our Scripture, "hope" means living in the promised expectations that God will act and deliver his promises despite what we see or feel now.
Let's look at our definition again. Hope is a way of living. It's living in expectation. But more than that, it's a PROMISED EXPECTATION FROM GOD that GOD will act AND deliver his promises no matter what we see or feel now.
In other words, things may seem horrible now, but God is still active, and God will deliver.
This Scripture comes from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. From Matthew 5-7, Jesus delivers a beautiful sermon on life and the promises of God. This is just a selection from that sermon.
In our Scripture, Jesus tells us, "Don't store up treasures on earth, but store them up in heaven." What can that mean? It's easy to store up things here on earth - just check the book to human ratio in my house and you'll see what I mean. I'm sure many of you have tons of things you don't need and don't use and don't intend to use just taking up space. We store up a lot here on earth. So, what is Jesus saying?
- Is Jesus saying, "Don't save money?" "Don't get new things?" "Don't ever splurge?"
- Honestly, I can't answer that - Jesus probably isn't saying we should never do those things, but he is saying we shouldn't rely on those things. Sometimes, we may be called not to save money, buy a car, buy a house, go out to dinner, etc., but we are always called not to rely on those things.
How long does money last? Only as long as you save it. How long does a car last. Only as long as the engine and body last. BUT, how long do Heavenly things last? Things like love? They last forever! Not only do they last forever, but they are passed on and carried on by others through your example. We sow seeds, but we never know how they grow. Just because we don't see them grow now doesn't mean that God isn't active.
Jesus goes on to say, "Your eye is the lamp of your body." That means that where you focus your attention is where your heart is. There are 2 things, among others, that determine your commitment. The way that you spend your time and the way that you spend your money determines your priorities. How many people do you see that say that their #1 focus is their family but they spend hours upon hours working? I don't mean the busy season of work, I mean working by choice. How can your priority be your family or God if you spend all your time at work?
Jesus says that you can't serve God and wealth. Obviously we need money to live in this world. Jesus isn't telling us to quit our jobs. BUT, he is telling us to remember what is important. Money will not bring the happiness that the things of God will. Money will corrupt and cause greed. Have you noticed that the more money people have, the more they say they need? And all this is over paper and metal...People worship paper and metal.
But now come the words of HOPE! And here is where we should focus this first week of Advent! Remember that these are not empty words - they are not words of a "Fairy Tale." They are not words of a good man or a wise teacher. They are words of a Living God. Yes, we're looking forward to Christmas, but don't forget Easter and Pentecost.
Jesus tells us not to worry about our life - food, drink, or clothing - then he asks, "isn't life more than those?" He says that God takes care of the birds and the flowers...Aren't we more important? Will worry add even one day to our lives?
Think about that - We all worry - I suppose it's part of being human. I'm not excusing it, but just saying it's part of our sinful nature. We all play "what if" games in our heads. Do they add anything to our lives? If anything, all that worry probably subtracts time from our lives!
This is the problem. As Jesus said, God values our lives more than the birds and the flowers, but do we value our own lives? Most likely, we can't value them as much as God does. But, we can see purpose for our lives. We can even see purpose in the mundane parts of our lives. We don't know how God is using us in even the most boring/routine moments. As long as there is breath in your body and your heart is beating, God has a purpose for you.
This is the hope into which we live! Things may be bad. We put our hope into God. Things may get worse. God hasn't abandoned us - God is closer than ever. But, we live in the hope that God will make good on the promises he has given us either in this life or the next!
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