Guess what? It hasn't worked. At its "best," it has only managed to subdue one group and allow another to dominate. That is until the subdued group regains some strength and decides to "rise again." What is "it?" WAR!
Let's do a cost-benefit analysis of War. Let's take World War II as our example. Everyone likes to use that one as an example. It's the war that "couldn't be avoided." It was the "just war." That's what so many people say.
* First, look at the "Belligerents"(That's the fancy word for the nations that fought): We had the "Allies" and the "Axis" - Without taking into consideration the smaller nations (and this implies no disrespect to them - it implies that I don't want to type that much - Here are the Belligerents:
-Allies: USA, Soviet Union, Britain, France, and China (and a host of smaller nations)
-Axis: Germany, Japan, Italy (and a host of smaller nations)
* Death Toll: Allies: 61 Million (Civilians AND Military) - Axis 12 Million (Civilian And Military)
* Causes - German invasions of nearly everyone they could invade, and Japanese invasion of everyone they could invade. The Italians tagged along and did their own invading along the way. The Europeans began by fighting Hitler's Army, the USA joined the war after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor (joining both the European and Asian fronts).
* Results: The Allies defeated Germany and Italy in Europe in conventional warfare. The Allies defeated Japan after dropping 2 Nuclear Bombs on the Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Cost - Benefit Analysis
What the Allies Won vs. What the Allies Lost
Won Lost
Stopped being invaded 61 Million People
Revenge Had to Rebuild Europe and Japan at their expense
Stopped Hitler/Musolini/Hirohito Gained Stalin and the Cold War
Analysis - Was it worth it?
1. First of all, it stopped evil dictators - that would be an argument for a "yes" answer.
2. Second of all, it stopped invasions - another "yes"
3. Third, it gave a sense of safety to the world - strike a check in column "yes"
4. BUT, it started the Cold War where Nuclear War became a reality - That's a "no"
5. The US and USSR became the competing superpowers of the world determining the fate of literally every nation - that would be a "yes" for US and USSR, but a "no" for every other nation
6. The Allies got revenge - Depending on your stance on revenge, that would be "yes" or "no"
7. It took 61 Million lives of the ALLIES vs. 12 MILLION of the Axis to win the war - That is very disproportionate - I would say that is a "no"
8. The entire war took the lives of 73 million people - Is ANYTHING worth that many lives - I would say "no"
Were there Alternatives?
The question behind this question is always, "What about Hitler?" That is a very fair question to ask.
This is where I appeal to the title of this blog post. "War has been abolished." Why has war been abolished?" War is abolished because the last sacrificial death that had to be made was that of Christ. Sure, I can take a bullet for you, push you out of the way of a bus and get hit by that same bus and killed, but all you keep is your earthly life. You gain nothing else - unless you want to see me die, then you get the pleasure of that too. By Christ's death and resurrection, humans gain eternal life. Death has been abolished - or rather, death can be abolished if we choose Christ. If so, there is no such thing as "life after death," because there is no such thing as death. There is only "life after life."
By abolishing death, Christ has abolished the need for sacrificial death. We don't have to die for each other anymore. Let's take a time out to address some things.
* I get your fears. Any reading this who are parents or have a child in your life - you would "die" for that child if that would prevent the child from being killed. I too would do the same. But, let's not lie to ourselves - all the child would gain is an earthly life, not an eternal life. The child would have to choose God to gain the eternal life.
* What about those who don't know God or are of another Religion? The good news is that we serve a fair and loving God. I don't have the answer except that it will be a fair and loving judgement. All people have the chance to know God. How that works, I have no idea. All people are God's children. God will give everyone a chance.
* So, soldiers and police and fire fighters are wasting their time? Not at all. God gave us this life as a gift. Keeping this life is not sinful. Saving this life is not sinful. Stopping those who would take this life is not sinful. The sin comes in when we think that we can die an atoning death for someone else. OUR death at most can only give someone more of THIS life - not eternal life.
Is this complicated? Yes. Do I contradict myself? Yes. All life, eternal and worldly, is full of contradictions.
Now, what about Hitler? First of all - when Hitler came to power, there was a Confessing Church movement. They stood in opposition to Hitler. Why didn't the "Christians" of Germany listen to them? The short answer is that people confuse Christianity with Patriotism. Patriotism is not a bad thing - we should like our nation and be proud of where we live. But, our ultimate identity is that of a Christian. The Germans - and mostly the Nazi Party forgot that.
What if a Hitler comes to power? Force is definitely one option to deal with a Hitler. It is not the only way. There is also non-violent resistance. People could have said, "no" to the Nazis. Yes, they would have faced punishment, but if enough people joined them, I have to wonder if the Nazis would have gotten as far as they did?
Let me propose this question? Why do citizens fear governments to the point of blind obedience? Of course, I don't want to get shot or put in prison or tortured. But, on the other hand, I am not willing to have my Christian Integrity compromised either. I follow the law to keep the peace. When the law violates God's law, I have to consider whether it's severe enough to break that law or to go along with it.
Until the rule of Constantine, the earliest Christians were "outlaws." Just by being Christian, they broke the law by not worshipping the Emperor or the Roman gods. Many died for this refusal. Many civilly disobeyed. Read the Gospel accounts of Jesus in his last days. Read the Letters of Paul and the persecutions he underwent. Find the writings of ancient Christians - there are many translated into English and other languages. They did not wage war on their oppressors - they were civil to them, but refused to compromise their Christian Integrity.
Aren't you just disrespecting soldiers and the military?
I can see where you could come to that conclusion, but no, I'm not. Let me explain. First of all, though I am a pacifist, I have the utmost respect for our military and all who serve in any capacity. I can only speak for American policy (since that is all I know). I believe it is the American duty to serve our Soldiers upon return from service. From all the soldiers I know, return to civilian life is very difficult. It should be the American Government's duty - that same Government who sent these men and women into very difficult and unspeakable situations which they did valiantly - to now help them adjust to civilian life again. I'm not a soldier, so I don't know what that would look like exactly. I would assume it would involve counseling where needed, job training where needed, helping them catch up on bills/mortgages until they can find a job. They served us without question - We owe it to them to serve them without question. As with any "service to people," the question comes up, "Won't some take advantage of the system?" I answer, "Probably." But, that happens in ANY human system. We can't sacrifice what we owe the multitude for a few rotten apples. And what determines "taking advantage?" Each person is different. One does not just "get over" combat experiences. For some, they may be able to function quickly after. For others, it may take a long time - even a life time.
But, back to the point at hand. This is in no way disrespecting soldiers. This only puts their service into perspective. Soldiers defend THIS life, not ETERNAL life. Soldiers defend an EARTHLY kingdom, not the HEAVENLY kingdom. I doubt many soldiers would disagree, though I can't speak for them. The ones I have spoken to agree with me.
I am not calling for the abolishment of the Military. I'm calling for the Abolishment of War. There will still be evil in this world. There will still be need to get aid (food/water/etc.) to areas of this world. The military would make an excellent force to protect the innocent lives of civilians. I'm not a military strategist - I'll leave that up to the military to determine how that should be done. This puts the military on a defensive role with strict rules of engagement. This is not war, this is defense of the innocent. Instead of "hunting," they would be watching. No one would have to die without choosing that option. Only if people violate the military perimeter or attempt to harm innocent people, would lives be in danger.
I realize this is not complete pacifism. For the theologically trained, I'm coming close to Niebuhr's "Christian Realism" - a doctrine I fully denounce. I realize I have contradictions. This is not a perfect plan. But, it's better than what we have now!
When Was War Abolished
War is ineffective. It doesn't work. America has been in Afghanistan for 10 years, and though we have an "exit strategy," the fighting persists. The Palestinians and Israelis continue to fight since 1948. The Congo continues to be a battle ground. I could go on.
War only subdues unless an all out genocide is committed. Even then, unless every last person is killed, revenge is always on the minds of those left behind.
War was abolished when Christ rose from the dead. Christ died the last meaningful sacrificial death that would ever be needed - He defeated the last enemy - DEATH.
It's time now that we look at Christ's life. What do his teachings say? I'll summarize with my own commentary. It's time for enemies to talk until they can negotiate. Stop sacrificing your own people in the name of your greedy desires. Stop sacrificing the innocent people of your enemy who have nothing to do with your war. Let the innocent people live their lives, Mr. and Ms. Politician! If you can't act like the person you were created to be, then go out and fight yourself - quit sending the young adults of your nation and making them think they have a "duty" while you sit in your air conditioned office and play your political games. God sees what you are doing. People see what you are doing.
Quit equating your desires with "God's will." God doesn't like to be mocked. Even if your enemy is wrong, God is big enough to handle the problem. God has no need for you to "crush" anyone. God has not made you a "righteous defender" of anything. If God has said this to you, don't go see a priest, see a psychiatrist.
Just because you're in power doesn't make you right. If you are fighting to stay in power, just maybe you need to leave. Your time is over. Or do you think you are God? I can't judge you, but I would hate to be you on judgment day. It's not too late to turn. I'd do it sooner rather than later.
Since the dawning of time, war has simply not worked. It's taken the lives of millions, and probably billions of people. What have we gained?
Instead, it's time for a new revolution - one of peace. You may say it won't work, but the old way hasn't either. Why not give this one a try? Talk instead of shoot. Understand instead of hate. Protect instead of attack. Give instead of loot. Share instead of steal.
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