Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Paul Kagame - the Neo-Colonialist

When Westerners write on African issues, it is morally and ethically imperative that we remember the Colonial past that our ancestors wrought upon the African continent.  Explorers came, natural resources were discovered, and then all hell broke loose.  The power of the gun won over the power of peace.  The Colonizers claimed ownership of the African land and people.  Missionaries were sent to Africa. While some missionaries had very good intentions, they were still part of the oppressive system of enslaving the people and exploiting the land. This very brief introduction is an understatement of Colonialism and its horrors. I invite all readers to research Colonialism to see the depths of the evils it brought to the African Continent. 

In modern day, when Westerners write on African issues, we are often labeled as “Neo-Colonialists.”  That is, our detractors call us the new breed of Colonialists.  In some cases, that very well may be the case. I will not rule that out.  But in others, just because a Westerner discusses a fact on an African issue, that does not make him or her a Colonialist.  The Pro-Kagame faction of Rwanda is very good at throwing the term “Neo-Colonialist” at anyone who points out flaws within the Rwandan Governmental system and its Human Rights abuses both within and outside the Rwandan Borders.  However, if we closely examine the President Paul Kagame, we see that it is he, and not his detractors, who have sold out to Colonialism.  It is he who has made Rwanda a puppet state of the West. It is he, for the sheer pleasure of elevating his own ego that has made the façade that is Post-Genocide Rwanda.  Rather than bring reconciliation and doing the hard work, Kagame has come in as dictator and wrought fear among his citizens much as any Colonial power did curing the Colonial days of old.

Where did this once refugee get the power to lead a rebel army to overtake a nation?  Paul Kagame was a refugee in Uganda, and while forming his Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), he was somehow brought to the United States and trained at Fort Leavenworth.  This is a military base where top United States Generals are trained.  The average soldier does NOT train at Fort Leavenworth.  Had Kagame not “sold out” to the West in the 1990’s, would he have been allowed to train there?  I would posit that this is where he officially became the puppet of the United States Government.  Despite all of his rhetoric against the West and against the United States and against Whites, Kagame owes his beginnings and all he has to the training he received to the United States.  Did he not see that the US was not interested in him, but rather in what he could accomplish for the US? I will leave that question and answer up to the reader.

When Kagame began his civil war against the Rwandan Government before the Rwandan Genocide, where did he get the weapons?  There are no weapons factories in Rwanda or Uganda.  He either had to obtain them illegally or he had to again make a deal with a more powerful nation, thus again making himself their puppet.  Nations do not just “give away” weapons to anyone who wants them.  There are stipulations involved.  Kagame would have had to pledge some sort of loyalty to whomever gave him the weapons.  Again, Kagame “sold out.”
Victors have the pleasure of writing the history books.  As it turns out, Kagame was able to overtake Rwanda after the Genocide of 1994.  He place all blame on the Hutu Tribe and eventually named the Genocide the “Genocide of the Tutsis.”  This implies that the Hutus were responsible for massacring the Tutsis.  Of course this is partially true.  But, Hutus were also massacred.  Since Kagame was the victor, he re-wrote the history and made Hutus into the evildoers and Tutsis into the victims.  This is a sad state of being because in reality, ALL tribes in Rwanda suffered, and all should be recognized.  However, Kagame, in his now Quasi-Colonial Leadership Role is able to dictate history because the West has other plans for him.

Kagame and his henchmen began two of the bloodiest wars that this planet has ever seen, and some of the least reported wars.  Again, this is a result of the Western Colonialism that Kagame brought into Africa.  Yes, in the West, we saw images of the Congo Wars as Kagame’s armies slaughtered entire refugee camps in the hopes that some of the genocidaires (those who committed Genocide) were there.  But, the Western governments did nothing to stop him.  Even after an official death toll of 6 Million, the West has yet to formally censure Kagame with even just words.  Their tacit support just shows who the Colonial power is in Africa.

Why would the West stay quiet while Kagame slaughters 6 million souls (and probably more – 10 million is probably a closer estimate)?  The answer comes down to money and greed.  The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) (once called Zaire in the First Congo War) is hugely rich with mineral resources.  Kagame’s exploitation and incursions only allow the West cheaper access into these minerals which help to power computers, cell phones, and such.  Kagame, as puppet of the West, again, is acting as a Colonial power.

As the world became aware of overt military operations, and as they got more and more questionable, Kagame was forced to be more secretive.  He obviously cares nothing about suffering or loss of human life, and therefore he began to create militias to make incursions into the DRC – the latest being the M23 Militia.  The Group of Experts of the United Nations has provided a report that directly links M23 to Kagame’s government, though he denies this as an elaborate conspiracy theory.  While conspiracies do happen from time to time, I will just be blunt here and say that Rwanda is just not that large or important to international politics to have such a charge placed upon it for no reason.  Kagame will have to come up with a better “explanation.”

An anonymous source within Rwanda confirmed that active recruitment is happening for M23 within Rwandan borders from the Rwandan Government.  Some of the 16 Students who recently fled Rwanda and are seeking Asylum for fear of their lives included the fact that they were being forced to join M23. 

While the United Nations knows about M23 and Rwanda’s involvement, and more importantly Kagame’s involvement, why is nothing being done? Yes, small economic sanctions have happened here and there, but nothing of substance has happened.  I would posit that nothing of substance is happening because Kagame is a Colonial Power of the West! Yes, President Barack Obama is on record for having called President Kagame and telling him to stop supporting M23, but that is the most forceful action to date.

Western diplomats and celebrities and institutions continue to tout Kagame although there is no doubt about the horrors of his human rights record.  Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is an advisor to Kagame and one of Kagame’s biggest supporters.  Why would a former Prime Minister of one of the most powerful nations in the world defend the President of Rwanda (a tiny nation that on its own would have little significance)? The answer must be that the UK is supporting Rwanda to do its “dirty work” in Africa.  Rwanda is doing the work that the UK does not want to do.  In other words, Kagame has turned Rwanda into a Colonial outpost for the UK.

American Mega-Church Preacher Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life, has become intimately involved in Rwanda and with Kagame.  While I can find no fault with his missionary work and work in helping to prevent disease, I find it disturbing that he thinks so highly of Kagame.  Does he not know of Kagame’s record? I find that doubtful! Is he receiving “blood diamonds” or some other pay off? As a pastor myself, I would hope to be able to say, “no” to that question.  I will refrain from trying to know Pastor Warren’s motives when it comes to Kagame, but I would call upon him to read the evidence against him and listen to those who have suffered Kagame’s tyranny.

The Pro-Kagame lobby is vicious in their attacks against those who disagree with them.  They blindly accept the “truth” as presented by Kagame.  No matter what evidence is placed before them, they will vehemently deny it and call the presenter a liar and worse.  Their main attack lately has been to call all non-Africans, “Neo-Colonialists.”  It is my hope that I have presented a case whereby the reader will see that it is not those who point out President Kagame’s faults who are the Neo-Colonialists, but rather it is Kagame himself who has sold out to Neo-Colonialism.

I should also be clear that while Kagame touts that the world is against Rwanda, nothing is further from the truth.  The world supports the Rwandan people! The world wants to see the Rwandan people thrive! The world wants the Rwandan people to TRULY come out of the shadow of the Genocide of 1994 and become a united people and a great nation.  Speaking for myself, I do not seek a violent end to Kagame.  I only seek that he turns to peaceful ways and the rule of law.  I seek that he stops this manipulation of his own people and of the world and begins to live as a citizen of the world in harmony with his neighbors.  I seek that he hold fair and free elections.  I seek that he stops ruling by fear and rules by good governance.  

1 comment:

  1. Tom,
    Pro-Kagame machine has names for anyone who address the human rights abuses the regime of Paul Kagame has been committing in our region. You are absolutely right, PK and Museven have sold out our region to the Western Corporations. As a result, more than two millions have died in Rwanda and over seven millions have lost their lives in the Congo. It seems like the Western super powers have given a green light to PK and Museven killing machines with impunity guaranteed! It's sad, but true!
