About This Blog

You will have to read this blog to really know what it's about.  Does this blog have a purpose? I suppose that's for you to decide. I hope there is a purpose. 

I hope that that we can see each other as fellow humans. I hope that we can analyze situations and see them from various angles. I hope that we can be rid of ugly stereotypes. I hope that we can find peace and justice. I hope that people will open themselves to God's love.

These are some things I want to accomplish with this blog. I, however, am one person out of 6 billion. We must all be willing to discuss. Yes, this blog is meant to be a discussion. If I am wrong, so be it. Let's be civil. If I fail to be civil, point that out to me. 

This blog is a conversation starter...not the end. I reject "doom and gloom." I seek answers. Sometimes I propose them. By working together and following the Holy Spirit, we can find the true Shalom!

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