Friday, August 16, 2013

Can There Be Peace?

Any regular followers of my blog will know that the majority of my writings are related to the ongoing violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the vicious nature of President Paul Kagame of Rwanda and his past and accused current War Crimes. Please note, however that though the subject of this blog is on the Great Lakes Region of Africa, the places could be changed to Egypt, Syria, the streets of Chicago, New York City, the Drug Cartel violent areas of Mexico, and any other violent areas around the globe. Space and time and my own ignorance of geopolitics prevents me from naming every conflict around the world.

Of course, these issues are not as simple as the old movies of "good guy" vs. "bad guy."  They are so intertwined with militias and armies with members of each crossing and double-crossing sides so that today's ally is tomorrow's enemy and vice versa.  Even the national interests change on a fairly regular basis because they are not regionally based at all.  While this seems to be a conflict contained within the heart of Africa, there are unseen forces hard at work to keep the conflict brewing so that their corporate interests can thrive.  Simply put, if militias and their workers can get the materials out of the DRC that a corporation wants for cheaper than a paid worker can get it, it is in the corporations best "business" interest to keep the conflict going.

What is obviously missing is any sense of personhood or morality of killing. People have become pawns. Regional leaders have allowed themselves to become pawns of Corporations. While leaders such as Paul Kagame of Rwanda and Joseph Kabila of the DRC believe they are acting for their own good or the good of their nation, they are essentially acting as Pawns of Corporations who want the minerals and materials that they hold. These leaders have "sold their souls," whether it is knowingly or unknowingly, for power, money, stability, or whatever false idols to these Corporations to keep these conflicts going.

Smaller leaders of the countless militias that are in the DRC have also become part of this scheme.  While they claim to have "noble causes," they continue the cycle of violence that plays into the hands of the Greedy.  They continue the instability that allows the Greedy to continue their pillage of the land and people.

First, let me point out that not all Corporations are by nature greedy to this degree.  There are Corporations that want absolutely nothing to do with this conflict and they keep their hands clean of it.  By nature, however, a Corporation's job (unless it is a non-profit Corporation) is to make a profit. That is, it is to spend as little money as possible to make as much money as possible. To do so essentially takes an element of greed. We can argue all day as to whether this is Greed or Capitalism, but the point of the matter is that in a Corporate world there must be winners and losers.  Even if the loser doesn't lose everything, the winner still is taking from the loser. That loser may be informed, and it may be the "rules of the game," but the loses still loses to the winner.  Is that greed on the part of the winner? In it's deepest sense, yes. Anytime one desires more than one needs, that is a form of greed. Does that make a person evil? That answer is between the person and God. God calls some of us to give everything, while God calls some of us to give something.

Returning to the situation in the DRC - Can There Be Peace?

Without trying to sound like a doomsday preacher - I answer with a qualified No! As things stand, peace will not come. There may be moments of peace. There may be moments of less violence, but there will not be long lasting peace. A leader may be overthrown, charged with War Crimes, but still, peace will not come.  The problems are too deeply rooted for there to be peace.

So, What Are These Problems?

People have fallen for the false narrative that, "might makes right." People trust in the power of the gun to make peace. There is no greater irony than this assumption.  It is impossible to make peace by killing in a war setting.  Police settings are different because the gun is only used as a defensive and last resort tactic.

If the governments and militias that continually rape and pillage the DRC are serious about having the people at heart, why do they displace at least a million people from their homes? Why do they force so many hundreds of thousands of innocent people who only want to live a normal life into refugee camps with horrible conditions? Why do they force tens of thousands more to flee into the jungles to hope for survival there? Why do they rape and perform other sexually violent acts on the women and children they say they are there to protect? Why do they rob the families of goods and food if they are protecting them? Why do they kidnap children and force them to become soldiers? Why do they torture and kill men who are only trying to be fathers and husbands because they will not leave their families to fight a losing war?

They do this because they believe in the false power of the gun.  The gun will never bring peace.  Look at Afghanistan. This nation has been under attack since time immemorial from multiple nations. Afghanistan's people have not known peace. Sure, there have been pockets of time when there has been no shooting, but actual peace? - Not in a very long time!

If these governments and militias were serious about peace, they would first lay their weapons down.  They would show their strength in their resolve. I can hear my detractors now. "But that is ridiculous!" I ask, was Gandhi ridiculous when he freed an entire nation without firing a shot? Was Martin Luther King Jr. ridiculous when he fought non-violently for civil-rights and won without hurting one person? maybe both were a little ridiculous. Maybe we need more ridiculous people! Maybe we need more people who worry less about their image than about their cause and just refuse to "shut up!"

Am I naive? Maybe I am, but if I am, so were Gandhi and King.  Look at what they won! If they were naive, then Hitler was sane - and look what he lost. Look at even what the Allies lost. How many Allied troops in WWII lost their lives and how much money was spent in rebuilding Europe after WWII?

Can There Be Peace? - Maybe?

Maybe the next "militia" needs to be an unarmed militia of the people of Rwanda and/or the DRC! A "militia" that puts aside tribal affiliation, race, nationality, and demands peace! This is where my qualified no answer turns into a qualified yes - there can be peace!

It's obvious - The United States is not going to help. If anyone in the Great Lakes region of Africa is reading this, I am sorry that my tax dollars are funding the deaths of your friends and families.  I am sorry that Corporations based in my part of the world see you as expendable. I am sorry that the world has abandoned you rather than seeing you as created in the image of God! Please know that our Government and Corporations DO NOT speak for all of us! We write letters, make phone calls, protest, and do anything we can think of to call attention to your plight. We too are ignored. We promise to continue!

While we do our work, we need you to do your work.  Your work is much harder than ours. Your work may require much more sacrifice. Someday, we may have to do the same thing here, but we are not yet facing the same conditions.  You need to stand for peace and settle for nothing less.  You need to be the new Gandhi and King of today! You need to say no to violence, even if that means staring down the barrel of a gun. Will your lives be threatened? Almost certainly, I can answer Yes! Will some die, definitely! But you will have your nation and have it as you deserve it!

Fight the militias and governments by inviting them to "join the winning side" much as Archbishop Desmond Tutu did when the White Apartheid soldiers stormed his church and tried to disrupt a service.  Anyone can be violent - But it takes a special gift from God to make your enemy your friend.

Remember to keep the faith! Jesus said whoever lives in him dies in him and has eternal life! Remember that if you do this work in God's name, the Spirit is with you! My prayers and the prayers of many around the world are with you! Shalom!

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