Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dear Politicians, What is a Child?

Dear Politicians,

I have a question for you.  You probably will give me a circular answer.  You probably won't give me a straight answer.  Most likely you'll just laugh the question away.

What is a child?

Is a child a test score?  Do we really need to rank our children?  Aren't they too priceless to be ranked by a test?  Does that test define the child?  Can't we use a test to see how we can help a child?  Doctors do that.  They give tests.  They get the results and then make decisions.  I forgot.  Teachers are lazy and not smart enough to do anything like that.

Is a child a robot?  Should they receive inputs and produce outputs?  No real understanding?  Just regurgitation?

Is a child like every other child?  Do they all learn the same?  They don't all look the same.  They don't all talk the same.  They don't all live the same lifestyles.  Why do you want them to perform the same?

Is a child just a number?  I can count them as well as you can.  But I see people.  I see future.  I see hope.  Why do you hate those things?  Are you afraid they'll take your job?  I wish we could let them.  They have a lot to teach us.

Wait!  Didn't Jesus say something about letting little children come to Him?  Didn't he mention something about having faith like a child?  Does that mean something?  Oh, I forgot.  We worship him, but not his ideals.  His teachings are misinterpreted by Communists and Fascists.  You just use his name to get elected.  I'd watch out if I were you, or you're going to have some serious questions to answer some day when you meed Jesus face to face.  I know some of you are serious followers...but not all of you.

Is a child someone who improves?  Why don't we expect them to walk the second we put their 2 tiny feet on the floor?  Why don't we expect full sentences after the first time we talk to them?  I guess we're too easy on them.  We don't expect enough.

Is a child affected by his or her environment?  Would it make a difference if a child doesn't have a bed? A stable family?  Food?  Safety?  You're right, actually taking care of the real problems would require you to work too hard.  You deserve your vacations.  You deserve your high salaries.  Don't show us the results.  Stop by my house after work, I'll just hand some money to you.

So, politicians, my friends...What is a child?  Will you answer me?


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