Monday, November 21, 2011

If "Sesame Street" Gets It, Can Christians Get It?

Every year, I look forward to the Holiday Season.  Pure and simple, this time of year makes me happy.  Once November comes, I hound my wife until she lets me put up the Christmas trees (Yes, that’s plural…At last count, we have 3 decorated trees and a cactus about to be decorated).  Every year, I try to find the perfect spot in the house for our Nativity Scene.  We have a handmade Nativity Scene made from a cloth pattern that was cut out and stuffed by my wife’s Grandmother who went to be with God this past year.  Though we have several Nativity Scenes, this one is my favorite, and this year it has even more special meaning.  I also have my large collection of Nutcrackers.  I’ve lost track of how many I have…just know that there are A LOT!

But wait!  What about Thanksgiving, you ask?  Don’t worry; I celebrate Thanksgiving.  I love Thanksgiving - the turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie.  I just like my Thanksgiving with a little bit…ok…a lot of Christmas mixed in with it. 

Basically, I turn into a child this time of year.  I find myself competing with my own young children as we decorate the Christmas Trees.  I want to put up the “cool ornaments.”  I have to remind myself that I’m the dad now, and that rather than competing with my children, I should enjoy watching them cram 5 or 6 ornaments on the same branch, or watching them put all the ornaments no higher than 2 feet off the ground.  But, secretly, I’m excited for them to go to bed so I can go back and reposition the ornaments for a “more balanced Christmas Tree.”

But, this year, I feel different.  I wonder if I’m chasing a dream that doesn’t exist.  Even now, I’m typing this beside one of my trees (lights on, of course), but it is with a heavy heart.  I guess I owe you some background information.

A few weeks ago, my family and I went to Wal-Mart for groceries, and to pick up some supplies we needed.  My 5-year-old son saw a toy he wanted, but I told him we didn’t have enough money to get it.  To be honest, our bank account could have afforded the toy, but I told him it was too expensive…a response many parents give their children.  A few minutes later, he saw a small stuffed bear with the Duke University Logo on it.  As a Duke Divinity School student, I couldn’t pass this up.  I let him put it in the cart.  Even when I told him he could have that little bear he asked a few times if we had enough money for it.  I said “yes,” and went on.

After the shopping trip, my wife and I decided to treat the kids to lunch at a fast food restaurant.  Once my son heard that we were eating out, the first question was, “Do we have enough money?”  Suddenly, it hit me.  It hit me like a ton of rocks.  My son, who doesn’t really understand money, was worried that we didn’t have enough.  I almost cried at the anxiety I caused him to have.  By dismissing his “gimme’s” with “we don’t have enough money,” I made this little boy anxious about a subject he shouldn’t’ have to worry about.  I felt horrible.  I stopped dead in my tracks and explained the best I could that we have enough money to take care of him, and that he doesn’t have to worry about money.  I tried to explain the difference between buying an expensive toy and buying groceries, but I think I only confused him. 

Ok, that’s the background information.

As I see the news this year, daily, I see stories of people in America (not to mention around the world) who don’t have enough money for basic necessities.  So many people are out of work, and no relief is in sight.  The problem has apparently gotten so bad that “Sesame Street” has introduced a Muppet to address childhood hunger.  While I wish shows like “Sesame Street” could focus on things like letters and numbers, I applaud them because SOMEONE gets it.

Americans are so quick to blame the state of the poor on the poor themselves.  “They wouldn’t be poor if…” (fill in the blank – “they would find a job,” “they weren’t lazy,” “they just buckled down,” or add your own).  Even many Christians say the same.  In fact, some of the most unsympathetic people on the issue of poverty that I’ve met are professing Christians.  “Why should I have to feed someone else’s kid?” they ask.  “Taxes are stealing my money and giving it to people who are too lazy to work.”  Remember…I’m speaking about Christians who say these things.

I wonder if these Christians read a book…an important book…the Bible.  I’m sure if they dug hard enough into the text, they’d find God’s words on the issue of poverty.  Spoiler Alert:  I’m going to tell you what God says – God tells humans that they are to help the poor.

Somehow, anyone who finds these passages isn’t a “True” Christian (according to some).  Those who advocate these passages are “just trying to steal the money from hard working people and give it to the undeserving.”  Undeserving?  Isn’t there something in the Bible about ALL people being created in the Image of God?

This year, a record number of people in America don’t have enough food (including many children).  They go to bed hungry.  They go to food pantries to get basic necessities.  They choose between needed medication and supper – which is more important?  “Sesame Street” recognized this reality…why can’t the entire Christian Community get it?

Thanksgiving will come this year, and a record number of families will not have a traditional dinner, unless it comes from a charity or organization.  Christmas will come, and a record number of children will not wake up to a tree with presents under it.  Some Christians say that this is just “too bad” for them…survival of the fittest…it’s not their problem.  Others will write a check and give it to some charity so that they don’t have to actively get their hands “dirty.” 

The time has come to stop this mindset in our churches.  Either we take God seriously or we don’t.  Or, paraphrasing Stephen Colbert: we tell God we just don’t want to obey the commands on caring for the poor. 

The poor ARE our responsibility.  I grant that some are poor because of bad money management or bad and sinful choices.  But, God doesn’t seem to differentiate one type of poverty from another.  Writing checks to charities is good…don’t get me wrong about what I said earlier…but, working WITH the poor is better.  This doesn’t even mean you have to leave your own comfort zone to find the poor.  They sit in our pews at church every week.  They live next door to us.  They work with us.  Their children are friends with our children. 

We can’t save everyone; I get that.  Actually, we can’t save ANYONE.  Only God, through Christ, in the Holy Spirit can do that.  But, we can point the way.  We can make a difference.  Let me rephrase…We WILL make a difference.  If we answer God’s call, we make a difference for the good.  If we ignore God, we make a difference for the bad.

If “Sesame Street” get’s it, can we Christians get it?  If “Sesame Street” is doing its part to minister to the poor, couldn’t professing Christians do a little more?  Please, Church, follow Elmo’s lead and make a difference!


  1. Excellent post, Tom. I heard on NPR this morning that locally, the Salvation Army will be providing Thanksgiving food boxes to more than 200 additional families this year (versus last). Food is a basic human necessity. The Lord tells us we ARE our brother's keeper. No ifs, ands, or buts.

  2. Well said, friend! Seeing Jesus in the faces of those in need was the topic of my sermon yesterday. I see Jesus, at the intersections, holding cardboard signs almost everyday.
