Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Rwandan Patriotic Front - Raising the Dead!

Apparently, aside from being the savior of Rwanda, Africa's greatest leader, the only world leader who gets a day in his nation's honor held in a foreign nation each year, Rwanda's President Paul Kagame is also a miracle worker.  He and his Rwandan Patriotic Front have conquered the powers of death itself to resurrect Richard G. Johnson, a former Eastern European Specialist within the United States Foreign Service to author a 55 page report entitled The Travesty of Human Rights Watch on Rwanda. This "report" was written two years AFTER Richard G. Johnson's death.

For the full story see this link:

I firmly believe that we can take this "resurrection" as foul play on the part of the RPF. There was no miracle. This is more of the same from Dictator and Regional Bully Paul Kagame; the same leader who openly threatened the President of Tanzania President Kikwete that he [Kagame] would wait for him [Kikwete] and at the right place, hit him. What was President Kikwete's crime? He was suggesting the very thing that Kagame was suggesting.

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Kagame is suggesting that the DRC Government negotiate with Rwandan Government backed illegal militia M23. This militia has been condemned by the United Nations. President Kikwete suggested that Kagame negotiate with another rebel militia operating mainly within the DRC, the FDLR (Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda), a militia made up of some of the former genocidaires (those who took part in committing genocide in Rwanda in 1994) and those they have recruited in the past 20 years. Kikwete was suggesting that negotiation happen so that true reconciliation and peace in the Great Lakes Region can happen. Instead of doing what he himself is dictating to others, Kagame openly threatened Kikwete.

It is not surprising that Kagame is not facing any international consequences for sponsoring M23 or for threatening President Kikwete. He is, after all "Africa's Golden Child" of the West. Kagame was trained by the United States when he was a member of the Ugandan forces, and he is staunchly backed by former US President Bill Clinton and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. He is, in all essence, a creation of the West to do the dirty work that the West does not want to do themselves. Therefore, his threats and bullying tactics are overlooked by the international community because the international powerhouses, namely the United States and the United Kingdom will not tarnish their own names by soiling Kagame's name.

Kagame's backers openly threaten and bully those who expose the truth. Activists are constantly harassed and intimidated. Members of Kagame's Government are active on social media sites and openly harass and insult those who disagree and expose Kagames crimes. Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations from Rwanda Oliver Nduhungirehe doesn't just engage in debates on Twitter, but he bullies and harasses, and comes dangerously close to threatening others in these debates. Rwandan Minister of Defense James Kabarebe has done the same. He has "ordered" me to "stop any further discussion on Rwanda!" (direct quote from a Tweet on June 6, 2013) as if he holds any authority over me. There are also lesser known Kagame supporters who engage in the same behaviors.

All of this would be of little consequence if there weren't already at least 6 million dead because of Kagame. His actions sparked the First and Second Congo Wars. His actions still create displaced persons within the DRC. His actions still cause unnecessary death due to starvation, exposure, disease, and war.

While Kagame may be able to "resurrect the dead" to write a slanderous report to accuse the humanitarian organization Human Rights Watch of bias against him and his government the RPF, Kagame cannot bring back to life those whose deaths he has caused and is causing. All signs point to the fact that Kagame is not going to stop his reign of terror. The United Nations will do nothing. They will do nothing until the citizens of the world do something. The citizens of the world must demand that their governments stand up to this bully. The citizens of the world must demand that Kagame be contained and held accountable for his crimes. His crimes are not all in the past - He continues to carry out those crimes both within and outside of his nation's borders each and every day.


  1. No one is born an angel and everyone is prone to err. But what the West always does is racially discriminating between leaders who do wrong. You always bad things about "black" only because they are "black, but when it comes to "whites" you say nothing.

    Who in the whole world doesn't know that Bush is a criminal? There are so many others in the West but because they are "whites", you can't expose their wrongdoing.

    Once a Muslim commits atrocities, you call him a "terrorist" but when a white guy such as Adam Lanza do the same, he's said to have "mental problems".

    When will you stop this racial segregation? That's my question.

  2. I don't enter debates with anonymous people. I will say that both of you need to READ THE ARTICLE. You are arguing against yourselves at the points I've made. Unless you add a name, this is all I will say.
