Monday, November 11, 2013

How to Read the Bible - Guide for Youth or New Readers of the Bible

I publish my Bible Studies on my blog to so that I can find them for use later. I also publish them to be used by others. The Bible Studies I create are very contextual to my particular congregation and setting. I invite anyone to use this Bible Study for Church, Small Group, or Personal use. I just ask that if you choose to use it, you leave a comment letting me know that you are using it and how it is working (or not working) for you. Let me know of any improvements that could be made.  Again, keep in mind that when I create a Study, I create it for a specific group of people, so adapt as needed. 

Learning to Read the Bible

The Bible isn’t a book, it’s a LIBRARY of books.  There are many different authors, and the different books are about different things.  But, the WHOLE BIBLE is about God.

The Bible has two main parts. The Old Testament takes place BEFORE JESUS was born.  The New Testament takes place from the BIRTH OF JESUS and about 100 years after.

1.    Find the BOOK.  (Most Bibles have the name of the Book at the top of      each page).
2.    Find the CHAPTER.  (The Chapter is the big number on the page).
3.    Find the VERSE.  (The Verses are the little numbers in the story).

Here is how we write Books, Chapters and Verses so people can find them:  Example:  John 3:16 (That means the Book is John.  The first number is the chapter.  Here we want Chapter 3.  After the chapter is the verse.  We want verse 16.)

Let’s Start with The Gospels:
            The Gospels are the books about Jesus and his life.  Gospel means “Good News.”  There are 4 Gospels:  MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE, AND JOHN.  All the Gospels tell about Jesus’ life, but each one is a little different from the others.  Why would they have differences if they’re about the same thing?
1.    Find each Gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)
2.    Let’s find some specific parts in the Bible
a.    Matthew 2:1 (That means the Book is Matthew, Chapter 2, Verse 1).  What is happening here?
b.    Mark 8:5 -  How many loaves of bread did Jesus have?
c.     Luke 6:20-21 (That means Luke, Chapter 6, verses 20 to 21).  What is Jesus talking about here?
d.    John 3:16 – What does this verse say?

Homework:  Read any 2 chapters from Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John.  When we meet again, tell me what they were about.
The Old Testament

The Old Testament is the story of God before Jesus was born.  It starts with God creating the world and 
goes on to tell the story of Israel, Gods Chosen People.

         *Chosen People means that God chose Israel          to teach the whole world about God.  It doesn’t mean God loves them more.

Find Genesis 1 (Genesis is the first book of the Bible, then find chapter 1).  Read the story of Creation then answer the questions.
         *How did God create everything?
         *How many days did God use?
         *What did God do on the 7th day?

Read Genesis 2 about Adam and Eve.
         *How did God create Adam?
         *How did God create Eve?
         *Why did God create Eve?

Homework:  Read Genesis 1 and 2 at least 2 more times.  Picture what is happening in your head.  Tell me what you saw, or draw a picture of what happened.

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