Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Out of My Hands

There are sometimes when things are out of our hands. Tonight is one of those times for me. I've been working on a major writing project. It began as a thesis for an independent study at Duke Divinity School. It turned into a project I hoped for publication.

Tonight I turned it into a group to look it over and give me their thoughts. It deals with the Rwandan Regime and their atrocities. It is the culmination of the work I've done so far and the work others have inspired me to do.

To be honest, I am not looking for any serious personal "gain" in this work. The only "gain" I would like is to be credited for writing this and have it distributed. I hope that it would do some good, though I realize it takes more people than just a few of us to do God's Work. The only reason I want credit is because in our day and age, any future writing projects depend upon the author's credibility and past record.

I am not called to be an author - I am a pastor, but I am a pastor who writes. This is my outlet where I can say things I have difficulty putting into speech. Writing is not a career for me - it is a hobby and even a necessity. I have no desire to become famous, though I would like to be authoritative enough to be taken seriously - not for myself, but for the issues and people I write. Sadly, it is often determined by the person who writes - not the issue at hand. Maybe this is my step into the "published" world - no matter how small.

Whatever happens, I trust God has a plan and hopefully the people of Rwanda and the Congo will be helped no matter how small it may be. It is time to pull our resources together and work together.

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