Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I Don't Get It!

Easter season always seems to bring "bad vibes" in certain sections of the religious community.

While we should be joyous in Christ's resurrection and victory over death, there are those who take this joyous season to turn it into something negative and hateful.  Rather than rejoicing, the blame starts.  Namely, they blame the Jewish people for being "Christ Killers."

Not only is this completely unhistorical and wrong, it also doesn't make sense for a variety of reasons which I'll outline.

1.  Jesus himself, his disciples, Mary, and Joseph were all Jewish.  If we didn't have the Jewish people we would not know this God (YHWH - or Yahweh) at all.  God was revealed to the Jewish people long before we Gentiles (non-Jews) knew of God.  Jesus came from this lineage of people as did his disciples and the majority of the people to whom he ministered.

2.  The Jewish people did not kill Jesus.  The Romans did.  Yes, the Jewish people saw (and some still see) Jesus as a blasphemer, but they did not kill him.  No Jew was involved in any active killing of Jesus.

3. (AFTER READING POINT 3, SEE BELOW FOR FURTHER NOTES) Jesus had to die.  That was the nature of his mission.  If Jesus didn't die, the Kingdom of Heaven wouldn't be ushered in, and sins would not be forgiven.  So, even if the Jewish people killed him (which they didn't), a) it was fulfillment of prophecy, b) it HAD to happen because of God's divine plan, and c) Jesus' death is the great atonement for sin.  So, while we don't wish death upon people, in this case it was a "good" death.

4.  Even if the Jewish people were against Jesus during his trials, the Romans had the only say in what would happen.  It's just like today...any citizen (or group of citizens) can complain or even demand something, but only those in charge can make things happen.  The Romans were in charge.

So, ANY blaming for Christ's death is upon ALL of us.  Christ died for OUR sins (Jew and Gentile alike).  If you really need to blame someone, look in the mirror.

****(MORE ABOUT POINT 3)  Yes, Jesus had to die. That's fact.  But, as I implied that the killers of Jesus were heroes is wrong.  Even though Jesus' death was necessary, killing him was wrong.  Look at Judas.  In one Gospel he was Satan took over and Judas betrayed Jesus.  Judas was not a hero...he just set things into motion.  Go back to Genesis and Exodus:  Joseph was kidnapped to Egypt, though his life turned out even better (after suffering).  Because Joseph went to Egypt, the Hebrew people were held as slaves.  If this hadn't happened, there would be no Moses.  Even with that being the fact, Pharaoh was evil and sinful.  Though this event allowed God's Power to be revealed, the event (slavery) was wrong.  So, to clarify what I said above:  Jesus' death had to happen.  The one(s) who betrayed/killed him were wrong.  Even with this fact, the basic premise I made stands.  The Jewish People did not kill Jesus.

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