Saturday, November 17, 2012

Open Letter to World Leaders, Faith Leaders, and News Media

This letter is to the leaders of the nations who are in a position to do something about the crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  As I write this, the M23 Rebel Group (please read this as "terrorist group of thugs") is attacking both the Congolese Army and innocent Congolese civilians.

Today, November 17, 2012, the UN Security Council met and "strongly condemned" M23.  The UN forces in the DRC are actively fighting the M23 things along with the Congolese army.

In the midst of all of this war and political wrangling, innocent people are fleeing their homes by the thousands.  Innocent people are dying.  Innocent people are being murdered.  Innocent people are being raped.  Innocent people are suffering unspeakable acts of violence.  All of this is happening while the world basically looks on.

"It's not our business."  "Let them fight their own battle."  "Why should we suffer for them?"  Those are the most often heard excuses for NOT getting involved - They are not without merit.  At this point, I am not asking anyone to become involved for politicians or political means - I am asking out of deep humanitarian concern.

Fine - Let the political battles be fought by the politicians, but stop the innocents from being killed and terrorized!  Put weight behind the words of the United Nations.

Many blame the arming of M23 on Rwanda under President Paul Kagame's regime.  Rwanda denies this. To Rwanda:  If you so deeply deny this, then do the right thing!  Help the civilians! Support life! Remember your own genocide and the horrors you faced - do not let that happen again somewhere else!  If your words are true, the put action behind your words.  You are in a powerful position to stop this, or to at least make a huge difference!

To the UN:  Condemning is fine, but these people need ACTION.  Stop the political games and for now, put the blaming aside - save that for when the crisis is over.  Right now, save these people.  Imagine if they were your family.

To the United States:  As a citizen of this nation, I am both proud and ashamed - for too many years, we have ignored Africa.  It is not "strategically significant" to us.  Can we for a moment remember that people are dying gruesome deaths?  Can we remember that as founding members of the United Nations, we should set the example by uniting with other nations to stop this crisis.

To the Faith Leaders:  As a fellow pastor - We cannot remain silent.  We must speak truth.  We must condemn random acts of violence.  We must say that what is happening is wrong.  We must say that what is happening is evil.  I'm not speaking of politics - I'm speaking of people.  All life is sacred to God, and it should be to us as well.

To the News Media:  The power is really in your hands.  You can cover a story or you can ignore a story.  I get it that you need ratings.  Ratings keep you in business.  But, news cannot be invented.  This issue is serious and MUST be covered.  Do not have the blood on your hands.  Report the horrors.  Show the grotesque.  Maybe it will cause people to start pressuring their own Governments!

To all people everywhere:  Do not sit idly by.  Write to those in power.  Call those in power.  Don't stop when you are ignored - Trust me, you will be ignored.  Pray for peace - God still answers prayer!  God is still faithful.  But listen to God's call.  Hold your leaders accountable!  The DRC may not have any direct connection to you or to me, but if this can happen there, what is to say it can't happen where we live?

May God's Peace Reign,

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