Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Open Letter - Why I Post About Kagame

Many people ask me why I post so much about President Paul Kagame of Rwanda.  I am an American.  I don't know anyone in Rwanda.  I have no ties to Rwanda.  So, what business do I have with him or that area?

It all goes back to the question Cain asked God - "Am I my brother's keeper?"  The answer is obviously, "Yes."

Over the past several years, I have studied and learned about the Rwandan Genocide of 1994 and the events that followed.  Through my studies and research, I have come to find out that too many have suffered and died.  That number is in the MILLIONS.  The suffering and dying is not confined to Rwanda - it has also spread into the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

When a person has such information, he or she is morally obligated to speak for those who cannot.  If I were to sit on this information, I would be morally culpable.

After the Holocaust, the world said, "Never again!"  The world lied.  The Rwandan Genocide and the events following proved this lie. Instead of aiding the defenseless, the world turned a blind eye.  I would guess (and probably be right) that the reason is that Rwanda does not sit on an oil well.  Let's face it.  Wars, Aid, Sanctions, Allies, and Enemies are all based on economic interests - right now, that is decided upon oil wealth (for the most part).

When the Genocide of 1994 happened, I was 16 years old.  While Rwandans my age had to be adults, I was being a teenager.  I don't say that with pride.  I just say that to point out the reality.

For those who have attacked me as a "liar," a "hater," a "useless preacher," an "stupid white person," "another meddling westerner," a "biased individual," and other such names, let me outline my stance and sources.  Then I will pose some questions, and if I am wrong, I ask that you answer those questions and I will publicly recant.

My Stance:
1. The Genocide in Rwanda in 1994 was a severely tragic event. That in itself is an understatement.  I cannot find words strong enough to express my sympathy to ALL Rwandans and ALL people who were affected by this.

2. I do not deny that Hutus killed Tutsis. (For those who do not know, Rwanda has 3 tribes - Hutus which make up about 85%, Tutsis which make up about 14%, and the Twa which make up about 1% of the population)

3. It is also a fact that Hutus were killed - Both guilty Hutus (those who participated in killing Tutsis) and innocent Hutus (those who did not participate in killing).

4. During the 100 Day Genocide, it is true that mostly Tutsis were killed.

TIME OUT - I do not mean to make this sound like a bunch of statistics!  Please recognize that I am speaking of human lives!  All life is sacred to God!

5.  The Genocide was sparked when an already tense situation between Hutus and Tutsis was pushed "over the edge" when Hutu President Habyaimana was shot down as it was landing.  It remains officially unproven who shot the plane down.  A recent French Investigation implicated Habyaimana's own forces (http://www.voanews.com/content/french-probe-seemingly-clears-rwandas-kagame-in-genocide-events-137111838/150561.html).  At the same time, now President Kagame was then General Kagame in the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) a militia force engaged in a Civil War against the Habyaimana Regime.  According to Kagame's then Secretary General, Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa, who is now defected from Rwanda, it was Kagame who ordered that the RPF shoot down the airplane (http://rwandinfo.com/eng/i-confirm-it-is-paul-kagame-who-sparked-the-rwandan-genocide-rudasingwa/).  While the question as to who sparked the genocide by shooting down the plane remains in debate, there is a question to consider:
          -  Do we trust an investigation held largely in a court and argued by lawyers? Or do we trust a defected member of the RPF who worked alongside of Kagame?  
I will leave the answer up to the reader.

6.  It is no secret that Kagame then pursued those who committed the Genocide into the DRC.  Under most military sensibilities, this is justifiable.  HOWEVER, According to Paragraph 513 of the UN Mapping Report of the DRC Mapping Report 1993-2003 completed by the United Nations states that Rwanda (under Kagame) is guilty of crimes of Genocide against Hutu refugees (NOT limited to Hutu militias – we are talking about INNOCENT Hutu Refugees).  It goes on to state that ALL Hutus were targets.  Paragraph 514 tells that refugees were tricked to coming to meetings and then systematically killed in brutal manners (meaning not shot, but bludgeoned, tortured, etc.). Paragraph 515 of the same report shows that no distinction was made regarding age or gender of the victims.  (Here is the Link to the Entire Mapping Report).  Some do not consider these War Crimes to be "Genocide."  I refuse to get into a battle of semantics.  Call it what you will - Genocide, War Crimes, Mass Murder, etc.

7. In 2010, Kagame was reelected as President of Rwanda with 95% of the vote over 3 little known candidates.  According to THIS ARTICLE  “Several opposition candidates were refused permission to take part, while at least three government critics have been attacked – two fatally…”  This leads to some questions:
     - In what free and democratic NATIONAL elections do politicians ever win 95% of the vote?
     - If the vote was free and democratic, why were opposition candidates refused permission to run?
     - I understand other nations do not provide the same protection to political candidates that we do in   the United States.  But, when 3 are attacked, and 2 are killed, there are serious questions as to how and why this happens.

8. Finally, A UN Report (See this Article) has implicated Rwanda and Uganda for empowering the M23 Militia in terrorizing the DRC to this day.  The M23 Militia for readers who do not know who they are is a Militia that invades the DRC, and kills and uses rape as a weapon.  They do not always attack military targets.  Their targets are sometimes, and often, civilian.

If I am wrong, rather than name calling, please answer the following questions, and I will recant:

1. Were not both Tutsis and Hutus killed in the 1994 Genocide? (Tutsis were obviously killed to a greater extent) - I also do not want to diminish the suffering of the Twa people who suffered as well.

2. If Kagame did not kill INNOCENT Hutus in the DRC, can you supply me with outside documentation rather than name calling?  I've heard Kagame's denials - can you supply documentation beyond his denials?

3.  My ultimate goal for posting is peace - I do not seek a violent end to Kagame - I do not wish harm on anyone.  Why must you become hateful on anyone who disagrees with you?  Has your mind become so brainwashed that you know nothing else?  

4.  What are your goals?  I do not live in that area of the world.  I would like to know what you want.  Please give me your account and your goals.

I only wish peace for the people of Rwanda and the DRC.  It is true that if one enters modern Rwanda, one will have a vision of a peaceful and organized nation.  Paul Kagame has modernized Rwanda and brought many technological advances.  But, at what price?  It is illegal to identify one's self as Hutu, Tutsi, or Twa.  All are "Rwandan."  On the surface, that may sound like a good idea.  But think of the deeper ramifications.  It is true that all are Rwandan, but ethnicity is also important for heritage and culture.  History cannot be erased.  Culture brings many things to a nation - both good and bad.  Rather than capitalizing on the good and negotiating through the bad, Kagame simply wiped history away.  This only leaves an underlying tension that is ready to boil over at any second.

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